California Proposes Ban on Classic Gas Cars
In a bold move to combat climate change, California is considering a ban on classic gas-powered cars. Governor Gavin Newsom is spearheading this proposal, aiming to reduce emissions and meet the state's ambitious net-zero carbon emissions goal by 20452. *
On the House floor only a few days ago (Nov 21, 2024), Representative Doug LaMalfa voiced strong opposition to the ban, arguing that it would negatively impact car culture and the economy and stating "Pry My '68 Mustang Gear Shift Out Of My Cold Dead Fingers"
Meanwhile, Mike Spagnola, President and CEO of the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), has written a letter to President Trump urging him to reject the ban and support the automotive aftermarket industry. **
Spagnola's letter emphasizes the importance of preserving consumer choice and the economic contributions of the automotive industry. He argues that the ban would stifle innovation and harm small businesses that rely on the sale and maintenance of classic cars.

As voters, we have the power to influence this proposal. You can petition against the ban by signing online petitions, contacting your local representatives, participating in public hearings and voting those OUT whom propose these bans out of office! Your voice can make a difference in preserving the legacy of classic cars while advocating for balanced environmental policies.
** SEMA Urges President-Elect Trump to stay the course and reject EV mandates.
Roy Simison
This ban on classic cars is an example of a government no longer of by and for the people. This is only one example of ever icreasing control over the citizens that should have control over the government
Not apuppet
It’s not a factor of limiting green house gases or anything dealing with environmental issues. What the real ideal behind this driving force is telling us what to do, say and think. Might as well be living in a socialist country like N. Korea. Wake up Californians!
Travis beaty
This is bull shit Gavin needs to go .
Harvey Rosbrugh
Why is the government trying to erase the history of the automobile? Next, it will be our guns. If a petition needs to be signed to stop this insanity, cout me in.
Jerry Brown
Gavin needs to fall on a sharp stick asap.
Don Rood
Surely gas burning cars represent a really small minority of the cars that run on gasoline and often are not driven regularly. It seems like a miniscule segment of the car population and would not likely result
in any measurable improvement in air quality by banning them. This is a silly idea.
these vechles being will hurt our econmy,hitory knowledge of the past and future. any and all these politicians are what has hurt the life and future of our country. this is why nut cases kill politacl people they are tired of the bullshit!
Barry Arsala
Classic or antique cars are horrible if get caught behind them driving. It’s a hobby for super rich and we get the smoke and they get the money
Chris Serena
These clowns are truly evil. They are using this climate scam to control everything. . . I hope the people can stop this extremism :-(
Mark Hopper
Wow, for a politician that likes to get elected. He’s going to lose his entire Hispanic voter base as classic cars are a huge part of Mexican culture.
Daimian Jones
I stand with this man! All the fucking wsy!!!!
Ron barnett
This crap about removing the gas power cars trucks tools is truly stupied all these so called battery tools cars truck and more is not going to do any good besides get overly heated and cause more fires / and now you want to talk about clean air at least the gas power tools can complete a job and has the power to do the job when a battery tools can’t even compleat half of a job besides get overly heated and cause fires and they want to talk about chemical battery machine will still need oil and other fluids that will burn and chemicals in air / and want to talk about chemical about what we breath in no different that what they put in food drinks or chemicals from government that they spray in air cause all of us get sick or kill us anyways FUCKEN NEWSOM APPARENTLY DOSE NOT KNOWN ANYTHING ABOUT OUT DOOR WORK AND FIRE SAFTEY
Mark Peterson
Stop this right now , because anything California does Washington state has to do , this is pure politics and government overreach. Our new liberal governor would try this his first day in , not that our outgoing liberal governor might already have it on his desk
Juan R Figueroa
numbnutts gruescum is a self centered narcissistic egocentric person. He’s not fit to run the state of California. Has ruined the once great state.
Troy McCutcheon
It just figures Grusome Newsome would spearhead the initiative to ban classic cars. I am just amazed he’s still the Governor. Glad I moved out of California 5 years ago. Best thing I ever did.
Bob andrews
We knew it was coming so why even have an old car now
American have worked hard to afford a piece of the American dream. Some have even poured hours if not years or teares into there classic cars. May the love ones who passed down there dreams or hard work to there love ones rest in peace. Knowing that this bill won’t pass
John Strickler
This proposal makes absolutely no sense. Even if you accept the premise that global warming is a reality. Other countries have a much greater impact on possible environmental deterioration than the United States. When you calculate the impact of the car hobby in California with world wide global environmental deterioration the possible benefit of elimination of California’s car hobby is negligible. To the contrary the economic and social benefit of the car hobby far outweigh the possible minuscule benefit associated with the elimination of the car hobby is
Just like Obama’s environmental disaster ‘cash for clunkers’, electric vehicles’ true impact on the environment is horrific compared to fueled vehicles, which just recycle carbon back to the atmosphere where the ‘fossilized’ plants and animals got it from in the first place. The true solution is to recapture that carbon and make new fuel out of it, making it a closed loop system just like rainwater.
Dan Huttinger
I am all for protecting the invironment but classic collector cars and trucks are not daily driver’s they don’t normally get to many miles on them I know I am a car guy and it would kill the hobby in California.
Dena K
Why don’t you put a ban on Bezo’s 5 million dollar yacht. That money could have housed quite a few homeless people but California would rather put a ban on gas cars. You people have your priorities all jacked up. Shame on you politicians. I’m completely embarrassed for other countries to see our streets. It’s like a third world country and America’s rich keep getting richer and the homeless get kicked out of encampment because rich people complain. Sad America will never be great again.
Dena K
Why don’t you put a ban on Bezo’s 5 million dollar yacht. That money could have housed quite a few homeless people but California would rather put a ban on gas cars. You people have your priorities all jacked up. Shame on you politicians. I’m completely embarrassed for other countries to see our streets. It’s like a third world country and America’s rich keep getting richer and the homeless get kicked out of encampment because rich people complain. Sad America will never be great again.
Robert Spruill
This was going to happen get rid of newsome he is destroying everything I stand behind gas and diesel those people have no idea how many things it takes to make electricity and we all know global warming is just a money scheme
Tom Bosanko
Newsom has never had California’s interest. He’s only in it to get him and his friends richer. Are they going to put charging stations up in the mountains in the middle of no where , where outdoor people like to hunt and fish? Where was Newsom during some of California’s problems was going on? He was back east campaigning with the president.
Joshua Horn
If gas powered cars get phased out what’s next the motorcycle Gavin Newsom has control issues the man is a nazi and needs to step down from his position and leave California forever he has done nothing but ruin this beautiful state what an asshole
Rusty Hooks
You really think this stops at classic cars? Haha. The people pushing this hate anything that burns fossil fuels like your lawn mower, weed whipper, stove, dryer, bbq grill, boat, motorcycle, etc. Yet you think Banning all of these matters to the earthly temp. Haha hahaha
Jay Who is going to be PISSED OFF!😂😂 Newsom is a walking disaster. Too bad the recall failed…
Wayne Brown
I am the owner of a 1957 Chevy Truck. Myself and many other classic car and truck enthusiasts take our vehicles to shows where people enjoy looking and we enjoy showing them. LAY OFF OUR CLASSICS AND GET A LIFE.
Steve Weidert
What a crock of B.S. Because California is a cesspool, doesn’t mean other States have to/or will follow suit. Unfortunately…. I live in a State that has Democratic rule. But as far as collector cars go, that is where the line is crossed. I have at least 1,000 friends that own collectors, and nobody is going to give them up.
Just put cats on them!
Ken O'Dell
Thank God I love in Texas
John C
While gavin newsome is pushing his agenda in Calif, he has his sights set on the next Presidential election.
Milton Howard Watts Jr
Screw cal. God controls the weather, its been changing a lot longer that theres been a calfornia.
C.J. Jensrn
This is absolutely INSANE! Someone needs to sit this boy down and set him straight. California has the cleanest gas in the USA, there is not a State with cleaner fuel than California and that’s a fact. Another thing that should be looked into is how much Stock Gavin owns in EV Companies……I would love to see that exposed and explained.
The two main problems with Gavin amongst many others is 1) No one has EVER told him no so he thinks the world is his oyster……the second is, he thinks he’s smarter than he is which always leads to failure…..let’s pray to God and hope the later happens first before he can ruin this once great State anymore.
How can people believe his B.S.
Steve Burke
The whole thing is ridiculous. I’m from Modesto, the home of American Graffiti. Classic cars are more than transportation; they’re part of our history and heritage and as such its entirely appropriate, even mandated, to do what’s necessary to preserve them for present and future generations.
Patrick Sullivan
California is a Complete Shit Hole move to Arizona we love classic cars
That’s what happens when you keep reelecting these brain dead libtards.
Anthony Gant
I am thoroughly exhausted with the administration of my state. The policy’s and pursuits of Mr. Newsome and others who share
similar ideas , desperately need to be removed from the positions or office they hold !
Here again is another ridiculous ill thought, damaging, overreaching, idea that will only bring harm. This will do little, if anything at all of positive effect .
I’am 65 yrs of age , with disabilities and very limited financial means . I own a 50 yr old 1/2 ton pick up that has been in my family for decades. It is my only vehicle. It is in great condition and actually runs cleaner than many much later model trucks in its class . Because I like it to run that way . I do much of the work myself , with the help of my 18 yr old Son . Who will own it one day.
I buy parts and equipment from a broad range of OEM and Aftermarket business. The truck suits my needs well . I take pride in its simplicity , performance and near trouble free utility.
Mr. Newsom and company , you could find a far better and beneficial idea to put forward to us . But then , that is true of many of not most of what you have done . Isn’t it …
I have no intention of giving up this vehicle. I could not afford or find a better machine if I wanted to … and I don’t.
john baas
Hey maybe ground private jets like Newsom has
Mike Margozzi
I have owned my 1968 GTO since I was a senior in high school back in 1979. This is outrageous! I drive maybe 500 miles a year. I don’t understand how the government can essentially confiscate my car and not make me whole. The value will go to zero. It is theft! The car is worth $40k. This car is part of my family. I need to contact my representative. We need some lawyers to sue the government. Surely there are some gear head lawyers out there to help.
Larry Porterfield
I have built and owned classic cars since I was in highschool in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. I had the fastest car in school when I graduated in 1962. Most people who own a classic car drive very few miles per year. For instance, I have my classic insured through a special agency that limits me to 5000 miles per year. Can the governor say he drives less than 5000 miles per year?
Rudy Ramon
Who does this guy think he is he’s a rich mf trying to control our people our state ,some of us had these cars passed down to us from generations before what gives him the right to take that away from us
Philip Horner
Communists never stop trying to take everything you have.
Alan campbell
Early model cars to us is like the American Indian culture is to the Indians .how about we keep our cars and throw newscum out on his nose.the pretty boy needs a lesson taught to him and I would be honored to be the one to do it.Alan Campbell
Haywood Jablome
It’ll never happen 🤯
Don Foster
Start the Recall of Newsome Now !! Again. Any or most classic vehicles are highly maintained and rarely driven. Yet his hybrids go down the road with smoke spewing from the blown gas part of hybrid.
Robert taylor
Newsome has to go. He has ruined ca. A lot of my friends have old cars they drive and show. Enough is enough. That’s why we all voted for Trump.
Lisa Dykes
Electric cars are expensive
Antique and classic cars are the backbone of alot of people’s lives and family’s. It’s a culture.
What is Hollywood going to do in this situation? Hollywood depends on the older gas powered vehicles to make movies. They are going to need to install electric motors on the muscle cars and anything else they use for movies, and then add the sound effects of an engine???