Save yourself the time and email by looking here about your questions. 



WE DO NOT TAKE DEPOSITS ANYMORE FOR OVER 6+ YEARS NOW) so there is not waiting on any product they are all FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!

If part is available on the website it is IN STOCK. 

Maverick Man Carbon Parts are crafted entirely by hand, not by machines or in mass production. This meticulous process takes time. Each part is offered on a first-come, first-served basis—so acting quickly is key. Remember, just because a hood or spoiler is released on a certain day, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll be the first to get it. Similarly, if an item hasn’t been in stock for a while, it might simply mean that others have claimed it before you had the chance. The early bird truly does catch the worm! 


The shipping timeline for your order depends on the specific part you’ve purchased. Keep in mind, this isn’t Amazon—parts may not ship the same day or arrive the next day.

For items in stock, such as those from Holley, Whiteline, Kooks, or machine-made parts like coilovers and taillights, that do not have a lead time mentioned on the product page, they will typically ship on the next business day. To confirm stock availability, high-volume items are usually updated on the website and will indicate “out of stock” if unavailable.

Other parts will display an estimated time of arrival (ETA) at the bottom of their respective product pages. This ETA represents the lead time for your order to ship and will remain consistent with what is listed.

If you’ve purchased a hood or other large body parts, the estimated time of arrival (ETA) will be included in your terms and conditions email. This ETA—typically 10-14 business days—is firm and will not change. The delay is due to fulfillment warehouses, which may be operated by other large warehouses with separate addresses. These facilities handle the pickup from us, packing, and shipping of the product on behalf of Maverick Man Carbon.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of fulfillment warehouses, think of Amazon. Just because an item ships from Amazon doesn’t mean it was made by Amazon. Similarly, large items like hoods must be shipped via truck lines from locations equipped with shipping docks. These docks accommodate pick-up windows from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., ensuring they can receive large trucks, like 18-wheelers, and handle products of substantial size.

Fulfillment warehouses have the space to store and ship large boxes—sometimes even wider than a car when unassembled. Maverick Man Carbon, unfortunately, doesn’t have the capacity to provide truck-line services, extended operating hours, or storage for oversized packing materials.


If you’ve paid a part like a Diffuser or Spoiler, the estimated time of arrival (ETA) will be the typical shipping time from UPS or FedEx in zones.  These items are shipped on a 10-day cycle through a fulfillment warehouse after they pick them up from us. (If you're unfamiliar with fulfillment warehouses, feel free to refer back to the previous explanation or search online for more details.)

Again parts are picked up from Maverick Man Carbon every 10 days. Once you receive a tracking email, your item will ship within two business days and tracking updates should show movement by the end of that day. Transit times typically range from 3 to 5 business days, depending on your location.




Many NEWER Maverick Man Carbon parts will show "Sold Out" and are NOT available for a Deposit nor a waiting list.  

Like this:




You can blame that on the social media trolls and even other sellers whom have tired to compete with Maverick Man Carbon. Some are ones who never buy anything. Others are friends of these other facebook sellers or those sellers themselves who spread lies about lead-times, how things are made, and even how they are finished. 

Here is a prime example of a facebook seller of other parts who is afraid to loose business by spreading lies like this.

Here is another troll who claims something different.

Now only if these Trolls could make up their minds and actually create a story that coincidences with each other. But that would require actually an IQ.


Then we have these Trolls here talking about Carbon Fiber Hoods.



Have they ever bought anything never the less a hood?  Obviously not. How clear is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE? Yep more fake news!  To be clear... when the part is paid in full that means the part is in stock and will ship our accordingly via the shipping service used. No one can buy a hood if it is not in stock. FACT.


Then we have these trolls like this that say there is a "lack" of them "lol" uh uh so funny. FALSE! (I will get to why in just a bit here)



Or like this one that there are only Two hoods made a year. 



"TWO HOODS" a year only huh? So let me see. First off you don't care about our hoods yet you took the time to post that and you follow us. lol!  Secondly the first cowl hood was shipped in Oct 2018. Gee... that is some simple math.  That would mean according to this keyboard warrior there are only 8 cowl hoods ever made in existence since that time now being 2022.  Now anyone with more then an IQ of 1 can see there are more then 8 cowl hoods of each cowl hood GTO, G8 or SS made,  all you have to do is hashtag #maverickmancarboncowlhood on Instagram and it will show you how many hoods are out there.  here is that direct link:

AND YES there are way more then anyone can count, never the less only 8 lol!  


So the next time you wonder why deposits are not taken anymore it is because of unfortunate trolls or losers like these above. Some like the first example whom are actually are trying to peddle their own knock off parts on facebook or come out with third party manufactures whom they have no idea about and just want to talke your money and then discontinue it because they had problems with poor quality or couldn't deliver them FACT!  Or like the other examples of just your typical keyboard warriors with nothing else better to do then to post on social media and cry when we troll them back. lol!  

So unfortunately that is why these parts are now only available on a First Come First Serve Basis. The few (like the people above) have ruined it for the rest of you. You guys can thank them. And we are positive that you can thank them because we all know people like this can't help themselves and will post something up that we hurt their feelings, how unprofessional it is, that they would never buy anything form here, make up fake news about parts and lead-times and that there is no care in the world for the part they really want. You know what? They are right we don't care about Trolls and what is said back to them.  So here is a big snowflake for them! lol!





Usually parts with no deposits are made within weeks and will be put up on the website with no announcement.  It will be available on a first come first serve basis.  There are no specific times or days they are put up. It is random. It could be at night, it could be in the morning, it could be in the afternoon. EVERYONE can get a chance. No matter what their schedule. Night Shift, Day Shift, Truck Driver, No Phones Allowed at work, etc.   They are listed at all times so anyone can get a chance.  We do know know your schedule, so please do not expect us accommodate it. 

If time permits and there is a decent quantity available besides a "few" they will be announced on social media.  You are advised to follow our Instagram Page or our Facebook Page to receive those updates.

You can also set up Google alerts, there are many that have bought them via that alert.  Google alerts is NOT fool proof and just because it did not alert you, does not mean there haven't been any in stock.  



Are you checking when your asleep?  Are you checking when you are driving? Are you checking when your pooping... okay maybe you are lol!  BUT really every second you're checking?  I don't think so. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean someone else did. 

Some examples are these posts here: 

Example 1

Example 2

and there are many more! 

If you notice on those posts above some people commented they got one.  While other say they were out of stock. But any one smart enough could see the time frames on those post. That tells  some people were to slow or saw it too late after someone else bought them. 

As much as I do not like dumb it down, I will, since some people still don't get it.

If you walk into an Grocery store and take the last 5 Ribeyes for your BBQ and the next guy that walks in right after and says "You guys never have any Ribeyes!" is that a valid statement?  For him it might be but for you who got the 5 last Ribeyes know that he was the one who lost out.  Is it the Grocery stores fault? NOPE. You snooze you loose!  

So lets get this clear as day... Just because "YOU" see it out of stock doesn't mean someone else did. Stop being so self centered and come back to reality. Life is just not about you. lol! 



Please refer to the answer to the question "I Left A Deposit How Long Does It Take". 

Keep in mind that carbon fiber parts are made by hand and not a machine.  They are NOT mass produced because there are MANY steps to making a carbon fiber part (well at least the way we do it, you know the superior way unlike those Facebook sellers).  You probably have seen people on Facebook say they are going to "make their own" carbon parts. Feel free to do so because from what we have seen... buyer beware! lol! 

JTCarbon Horrible GTO Splitter

Look at that GTO Lip! What beauty!


Or what about this Chevy SS Lip here?  I bet that fits really well! lol!  If you want to get it someone where else feel free!  

JTCarbon Chevy SS Lip

Here is a video from a customer of ours whom bought the "other" spoiler from the "Only Other Guy" 


Customer explains quite clearly on what he thought of the part in this video. 


Only if we had a dollar for every Facebooker out there that said they were going to make carbon parts. Other "specialties" places have them made overseas which they take large deposits like $100 or more because they have no equity to place an full order.   Their lead-times conveniently are about 90 days out which just about the time for a container to travel from China to the US though these companies bash on parts made in China. Kinda funny huh?  These Facebook sellers will also claim their parts are something but they are not. We have even seen these sellers state incorrect facts about their products. For example this seller here says their parts are a "preprog" mold. 



First off its not PrePROG. what is PROG? lol! it is Pre- Preg which also stands for Pre-Impregnated (please refer the the video below on what exactly that is.) Also it is highly unlikely the mold is done in Pre-Preg.  Pre-Preg is the type of carbon fiber or even fiberglass used not the process of the mold. lol!  but nobody in the industry does that. It is either a standard composite like fiberglass or a full billet mold like the new one for our GTO spoilers!


Now that is the right way to make carbon parts!  We are sure they will change what they claim on their website after they see this but screen shots don't lie.  Ask them to show you their mold which will be all the facts you need to see. 

Other key points in these Facebook sellers trying to fool you is these sellers claim they need clear coat.  


First off if they were actually using Pre-Preg Carbon Fiber they all would have to be clear coated since Pre-Preg is Raw form and not a gel coated process and will come out a matte color. Like THIS If they were clearcoated good they wouldn't need another clear coat. OH maybe because its really a gel coated product and NOT a Pre-Preg product.

Here is more proof from another one of our customers showing how his so called Pre-Preg Spoiler started bubbling. If this was a REAL Pre-Preg Product this would not have happened. 


Here is another image of a Facebook seller selling a GTO lip claiming they are clear coated.

Besides the obvious terrible quality and claiming they are clear coated. This photo obviously shows it is not.  Besides the resin making the shape of the lip, if this was clear coated the edges would be shiny it is not. This is a full resin hand laid part with no obvious clear coat, yet the seller claims they are clear coated. 

Let me be clear there is nothing wrong with hand-laid gel coated parts done right. Maverick Man Carbon Hoods are Hand Laid and Vacuumed Infused. The only reason these Facebook sellers claim their parts are Pre-Preg or Clear Coated is so they can have a selling point to try to compete with a Maverick Man Carbon Part.  The point is don't lie to buyers about how your part is made when it is clearly not made that way.  

In conclusion buyer beware on these third party Facebook sellers trying to sell their so called carbon fiber parts. DON'T BE FOOLED OR TAKEN by these sellers who don't even know what they are selling or lying period about how they are made.  

Maverick Man Carbon assurers quality control on every in house part and even blemished items are better then most so called carbon parts out there in the market for the GTO, G8 and SS.  Good parts take time. If you want something faster then go with the Facebook sellers and don't say Maverick Man Carbon did not warn you.

Refer to this video below which shows the process used to make many of the carbon fiber parts Maverick Man Carbon has. It's NOT an easy or fast task. 

These answers should answer most of the common questions that are asked. If you have further questions that are not answered on this page, please feel free to email
