Coverage of the Nor/Cal Holden 3rd Annual Martinez Picnic

On May 14th, 2016 NOR/CAL Holden had one great turn out in Martinez, California for their 3rd Annual Martinez Picnic.  They Broke the states record of 23 SS's along with 2 G8's, and just one GTO for a total of 27 cars. 

4 of the SS's were 2016's and one still had paper plates. There were also 3 2014's with squeaky water pump bearings (aka Whipple superchargers :P  ) in attendance.


Longest distance driven was 370 miles by Ray Reyes from Santa Barbara, way to go Ray ! Weather was perfect, sunny with bay breeze. Everyone had an enjoyable time talking smack about fastest ride and cleanest wheels - damn brake dust.  Until next time!

For future events contact Russ Rinfret:

Chevy ssG8GtoGto clubNorcal holdensPontiac g8Pontiac gto

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